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Getting help with an insurance complaint


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We can help if you have a problem with your insurance agent, company, or adjuster. We can make sure companies are following the law and paying you according to your insurance policy.

Complaint process

If you want to file a complaint so TDI can look into your issue, this is how it works:

  1. Call our Help Line at 800-252-3439 to talk about your issue. We’ll ask if you’ve talked to your company, agent, or adjuster. Sometimes a conversation can clear up an error or misunderstanding.
  2. Go to our Get help with an insurance complaint page. Choose the type of insurance you’re having a problem with to learn more about your options. We guide you through the steps of filing a complaint through our Complaint Portal.
  3. TDI will contact the company and ask for a response to your complaint. Auto and home insurance companies have 25 days to respond to us.
  4. When a company responds, we’ll look at their response and tell you what it means for your complaint.

Note: It takes 40 days on average to resolve a complaint. Sometimes it happens faster.

Common complaints

The most common complaints we get are about:

  • The time it takes your own insurance company to respond to you or settle your claim. Know that auto and home companies have a certain number of days to respond to your claim.
  • How much your insurance company wants to pay you. TDI can’t make a company pay more than your policy allows. But we can ask them to justify what they’re paying you, and they might take a second look.
  • The company denying a coverage you thought was in your policy. We can ask a company to relook at your policy to be sure it made the correct decision.



Questions? Call us at 800-252-3439.

Last updated: 10/14/2024