Emergencies and disasters can happen unexpectedly anytime and anywhere. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) sponsors National Preparedness Month to encourage Americans to plan for emergencies and disasters in their homes, businesses, and communities. These steps can help people be ready to act.
1 Stay informed.
Along with the Federal Communications System and the National Weather Service (NWS), FEMA operates a national public warning system that provides radio, TV, cable, and satellite warnings to the public within 10 minutes of an emergency. Wireless emergency alerts are also available on cell phones and weather alert radios, and the NWS posts alerts on Facebook and Twitter. Always keep extra batteries and portable chargers on hand to stay connected and informed.
2 Make a plan.
Talk to friends, family, and employees about how to communicate before, during, and after an emergency or disaster. Review how you will respond. Discuss shelter plans and evacuation routes.
3 Build a kit.
Gather enough water, non-perishable food, medicine, and other FEMA-recommended emergency supplies to last at least three days. Remember to consider the special needs of each person or pet in case you need to evacuate quickly.
4 Prepare in advance.
Learn how to make homes and businesses stronger to withstand natural and human-caused disasters. Review your insurance coverage before a disaster occurs and be prepared to respond fast if you get an alert or warning about an:
- active threat;
- cyberattack;
- extreme heat;
- flood;
- hurricane;
- power outage;
- thunderstorm with hail and lightning;
- tornado;
- wildfire; or
- winter storm.
5 Get involved.
Find opportunities to support community preparedness, recovery, and cleanup. There are many ways to get involved before, during, and after an emergency or disaster. Join the FEMA community or consider volunteering through organizations such as:
- Citizen Corps;
- Community Emergency Response Team;
- American Red Cross;
- Neighborhood Watch;
- Fire Corps;
- Civil Air Patrol; or
- American Radio Relay League.
For more information, download FEMA’s Are You Ready?: An In-Depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness or any of DWC’s free National Disaster Preparedness and Recovery publications. DWC safety training specialists are also available to assist your business with disaster and emergency preparedness at safetytraining@tdi.texas.gov or 800-252-7031, option 2.