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Keeping workers safe in the heat

Sun safety

Illnesses and deaths from heat exposure are climbing. From 2011 to 2019, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 344 deaths and 24,660 serious injuries in the U.S. linked to on-the-job environmental heat. In 2019 alone, 43 workers died, and 2,490 suffered severe heat-related illnesses. With temperatures on the rise, employers are encouraged to create practices and training to keep employees safe.

Heat illness prevention training materials , outreach events, social media, and handouts are available in the resource links below:

1 ‘Water Rest Shade’ campaign

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) started a heat illness prevention campaign on how hydration, rest, and prevention protect workers from extreme heat. The campaign slogan, “Water Rest Shade,” encourages employers to give workers more breaks and cool shelter as temperatures increase. Campaign resources include publications, online education, a poster, and a training video.

2 Heat index smartphone app

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and OSHA joined to create a smartphone app to measure the heat index based on the temperature and humidity. This tool is available for Android and iPhone smartphones on Google Play and Apple App Store

3 National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS) tools

NIHHIS is a system developed by the CDC and NOAA that integrates heat health knowledge and safety activities. Their resources include heat warnings by area.

4 Heat illness prevention education and training materials

Find OSHA’s Heat Illness Prevention Campaign videos on YouTube in English and Spanish. DWC Workplace Safety offers a YouTube video on heatstroke awareness. Other resources include free, downloadable safety and health publications on fluid replacement, heat illness prevention, heat stress, summer safety tips, sun safety, and working outdoors, among others. DWC workplace safety training specialists are available at or 800-252-7031, option 2, to help meet your training needs. For more information, visit


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Last updated: 5/24/2024