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October 10, 2024

Why you should have smoke alarms


You have about two minutes to get out of a burning house from the second your smoke alarm goes off. It’s critical your alarm works.

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How many smoke alarms should I have?

You should have enough smoke alarms for everyone to hear in every area of your house. You should have them on every level of your home and inside and outside every sleeping area. Test your alarms during the day and again at night to make sure everyone can hear them.

Where do smoke alarms go?

Read the instructions that come with your smoke alarm to know if it goes on the wall or ceiling. If you don’t have the instructions, search your smoke alarm model number online to find them. There will be instructions for manufactured homes and vaulted ceilings.

How often should I test my smoke alarm?

Press the button on your smoke alarm every month. If you can’t reach it, use a broom handle or call a friend for help. While you’re near the alarm, dust it off. They can collect dust and bugs that could make them malfunction.

Do you recommend the new smoke alarm technologies?

If you’re shopping for a new alarm, consider the ionization and photoelectric smoke alarms. Photoelectric alarms detect smoldering fires and ionization smoke alarms detect flaming fires. Another alarm style, the multi-criteria alarm, has a sensor to know if a fire is a non-emergency cooking fire or an emergency fire.

Where can I get a free smoke alarm?

The American Red Cross provides free smoke alarms. Many community organizations and fire departments also give free smoke alarms. Fire departments are also great resources if you have questions about where to put a smoke alarm in your house.

What else should I know about smoke alarms?

There are three main takeaways:

  1. Make sure your house has smoke alarms.
  2. Test your smoke alarm every month.
  3. Replace smoke alarms every 10 years.

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