It’s that time of year again when we set New Year’s resolutions to get healthy, eat better, and exercise more. The wellness coordinator at the Texas Department of State Health Services gives us tips for sticking to our goals.
How do you get started on your fitness goals?
Start small and work your way up. Do you want to run a mile? Start by walking. Then you can increase your endurance, which will build your confidence to keep going and do more.
How do you stay motivated to keep your resolutions?
If you’re not commuting to work, use that extra time to get moving and take a walk. Or sit on your patio to get some fresh air.
Do health plans offer wellness tips?
Your health plan might offer a health risk assessment, tools, and trackers to help with weight loss and fitness goals, or wellness coaching. Visit your plan’s website or call them to ask.
How do you keep your fitness resolutions?
Write your goals down. Having them in front of you to remind you might help. Make your goals more approachable. Do you want to lose 20 pounds? Break it down to drinking more water, eating more veggies, and exercising more. And try not to get discouraged.
Do health plans cover mental health services?
Many health plans pay for mental health services. If your health plan does, the law requires it to give the same level of benefits. For example, you should get the same number of office visits as you would for a physical illness or injury.
Call your health plan to ask about your benefits. And learn more about your right to equal benefits and mental health services at