Summers in Texas usually means cooking on a campfire or barbecue. Learn more about keeping your family safe while cooking outdoors.
What’s the danger with campfires?
The main danger is that the fire will get out of control and spread.
The first precaution you should take is to ask if fires are allowed. Even if the campground allows fires, there might be a burn ban in the area.
Where’s the best place to set up a campfire?
If your campsite has a fire ring, use that. If not, set it up away from trees and dry grass. Make sure the area around the campfire is clear of debris.
How do we keep kids safe around campfires?
Set up a safety zone of about three feet around a campfire. Mark it with rocks or spray paint. Tell children to stay out of the safety zone.
Keep a bucket of water nearby to put the fire out if you need to.
Only let adults start the fire. Kids should be observers.
Go over these rules with children so they know what to expect before the fire starts.
What are some grilling safety tips?
Don’t use grills close to houses or under trees. Talk to children about staying away from grills and not playing nearby. If you have dogs or other pets in the yard, keep them inside or away from the grill.
Should we put out a campfire or barbecue?
Yes. Don’t let campfires or charcoal on a barbecue smolder all night. If the embers are hot, they can start another fire. Put out fires with water or another method you’re comfortable with.