Although reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that electronic information on the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) website is complete, accurate and timely, TDI does not represent that the information is complete, accurate and timely in all instances. In addition, the information provided does not necessarily represent the official position or views of the Commissioner of Insurance, TDI or the State of Texas. You are urged to seek legal advice and confirmation of critical information found at this site before relying on it. TDI assumes no responsibility for any errors appearing in rules or otherwise. Further, TDI assumes no responsibility for the use of the information provided.
Unless otherwise noted on an individual document, file, webpage or other website item, TDI grants permission to copy and distribute the information for noncommercial use, as long as the content remains unaltered.
Use of information provided
Information provided through TDI's website is not intended as a replacement for the detailed information found in the Texas Insurance Code, Texas Administrative Code or any pending legislation, regulation or other statute, nor is it intended to replace the advice of legal counsel. The website simply offers a selection of brochures, bulletins, manuals and news releases, as well as selections from and summaries of statutes and regulations, to help consumers and the industry with some of the more common questions about insurance and insurance regulation in Texas.
Access and correction of personal information
With few exceptions, you are entitled to be informed about the information that the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) collects about you. Under sections 552.021 and 552.023 of the Texas Government Code, you have a right to review or receive copies of information about yourself, including private information. However, TDI may withhold information for reasons other than to protect your right to privacy. Under section 559.004 of the Texas Government Code, you are entitled to request that TDI correct information that TDI has about you that is incorrect.
For more information about the procedure and costs for obtaining information from TDI or about the procedure for correcting information kept by TDI, please contact the Agency Counsel Section of TDI's Legal and Regulatory Affairs Program at or you may refer to the Corrections procedure webpage.
Clarification of the term ‘attorney for service’
This website may use one of three terms – attorney for service, registered agents or agent for service of process – to refer to firms or individuals designated for handling service of process. Certain website material, as provided for in past versions of the Texas Insurance Code (TIC), may use the term attorney for service in referring to an agent for service of process. However, the TIC has been recodified and amended in Chapter 804 and now uses the term "agent for service of process." The state's Corporation Act also refers to the agents for service of process as the "registered agent(s)." Some entities that engage in the insurance business may use that term if they incorporate through the Secretary of State's Office.
Obtaining copies of the Texas Insurance Code and Texas Administrative Code
This website includes some language from the Texas Insurance Code, as adopted by the Texas Legislature, and the Texas Administrative Code, which includes regulations adopted by the Commissioner of Insurance. You can find information about the Texas Insurance Code and information about Texas Administrative Code at West Publishing Co.'s website. Bound copies of certain manuals and reports also are available from TDI. For a list, please call 512-322-4289.
For more insurance information
Contact TDI's Consumer Helpline weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for agent, company and other insurance information.
800-252-3439 (Austin – 512-676-6825) (Servicio en español)
Hearing or speech impaired persons call Relay Texas at 800-735-2989 (TDD/TT)
E-mail links to technical staff also are provided on most webpages.
Links to other websites
As a convenience, TDI's website offers links to certain government- and insurance-related websites created and maintained by public and private entities. TDI has no control over linked sites nor can it be held responsible for material found on any non-TDI website. A link to another website does not mean the site is endorsed in any way by TDI. Please check TDI's linking policy and the state's web linking policy for more information.
Printed material available
To order printed copies of our free consumer publications or a complaint form, call our 24-hour Publications Order Line. Bulk orders are available for a nominal fee.
800-599-SHOP (7467) (Austin 512-676-6826)
Website maintained by TDI staff
This website is maintained by TDI staff. This service is informal, experimental and subject to change. We welcome any suggestions you have for improvement.
Please let us hear from you
If you have any problems viewing these pages with your Web browser, find any inactive links or have suggestions on how we can improve this website, please send your e-mail comments to:
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