How to Submit
State Fire Marshal’s Office
PO Box 12107
Austin, Texas 78711-2107
When TEXFIRS receives a data file by e-mail we will reply with an acknowledgment e-mail back to the sending department. If you do not receive a response e-mail be sure to contact our office.
Reporting Guidelines
Reports should Be submitted monthly, within two weeks of the close of the month.
The previous calendar year's data should be submitted no later than March 31 of the current year.
Departments may report using the approved forms, a vendor program or the free federal software. A list of contact information for NFIRS 5.0 active vendors can be viewed at the NFIRS Web site.
If no runs were made during the month, a report of "no activity" should be submitted to the state for the reporting period. The SFMO would like to thank all participating Texas fire departments for their continued support of the TEXFIRS system.
How to Request Reports
Fire Departments and the general public may submit open records requests for summary information on TEXFIRS data thru the SFMO office. Summary reports may include fire cause, incident type, property use, dollar loss, or other data categories as needed. Be specific about the information you are seeking and provide all requestor contact information.
To submit an open records request, visit our Open Records page.
A Web-Based Summary Output Reports Tool is available on the USFA website, The tool generates summary reports on Texas data directly from the national NFIRS database. Fire departments can use their active NFIRS user accounts to log into the tool. A guest account for statewide reports is available upon request. Contact for more information.
NOTICE: The Structure Fire Cause and Residential Structure Fire Cause reports are not available at this time.
Only Valid and No Activity Incident Reports are accepted by TEXFIRS.
When requesting your report be sure to choose: Incident Status All, Version All, Release Status All.
Additional information and complete report descriptions are available in the Summary Output Reports Tool User's Guide on the NFIRS website,