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Texas Department of Insurance
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Fireworks licensing

Reminder: All State Fire Marshal’s Office licenses and registrations for individuals and companies are now only sent by email to the email address on file. Paper licenses and pocket cards are no longer provided.

Fireworks licenses

Renew on the Sircon website.

Fireworks permits

Purchase Retail fireworks permits. (instructions)

Important information for retail fireworks indoor sites

Retail Fireworks Indoor Site Information form – Indoor fireworks retail sites are required to submit a plan to the SFMO before opening the facility to business. Please use the above form and submit it along with a diagram of the site.

Fireworks licensing forms

Fireworks applications, forms, and guides are available in PDF format.

Fingerprint requirements

Fingerprint requirements and instructions for SFMO licenses

Insurance requirements

Certificate of liability insurance requirements

Fireworks licenses, permits, and test information: Describes the different types of permits and licenses, type of activity permitted by each, test requirements, and test references.

Test information: This link takes you to the PSI web site. This company is contracted to administer the SFMO tests. Click on the Candidate Information Bulletin found on the testing page for additional information regarding fees, scheduling policies, scoring information, and FAQs.

Fireworks sites with plans on file: List of indoor retail fireworks sites with plans on file with the SFMO. 28 § TAC 34.832(16) states that an indoor site's retail sales permit is not valid unless they have a site plan on file.

Retail fireworks selling seasons: Displays the dates when a retail fireworks permit holder may sell fireworks to the public.

Statute and rules

Occupations Code Chapter 2154

Administrative Code Chapter 34.800

Notice: Texas Administrative Code, Rule §34.815 – Retail Permits has been amended and adopted on April 18, 2024.

HB 2259 (88R, 2023) simplified the way to obtain a retail fireworks sale permit by providing that permits be obtained via the internet. The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) adopts rule amendments to 28 TAC §34.815 to eliminate the provision that allows manufacturers, distributors, or jobbers to issue retail fireworks sales permits. The amendments revise and restructure §34.815 using plain language to implement HB 2259. This was a TDI biennial recommendation.

View the adoption order (PDF) for the full text.

Rule change effective May 7, 2024.

Fireworks SFMO inspection checklists

Licensing questions?

Phone: 512-676-6800 (press 1) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.

Last updated: 12/23/2024