The State Fire Marshal’s Office YFPI program is currently on hiatus until we get additional staff trained. When the classes are scheduled, we will send out information through our website and our email subscription service.)
This program was initiated on a state level to assist in the establishment of community-based juvenile fire awareness and intervention programs, now more accurately called youth fire prevention and intervention programs, in which local fire departments take the lead. An advisory team comprised of fire prevention professionals in existing juvenile intervention programs helped develop a "model" intervention program that can be easily adapted to meet the individual needs of fire departments throughout the state. The model was based on the U.S. Fire Administration/Federal Emergency Management Agency program, programs from other states, and existing programs within Texas. Team members also helped develop a workshop to train fire department personnel in the use of the model program and related topics.
In 2000, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) added new chapters to Standard 1035 outlining the Job Performance Requirements for the Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist I and Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist II. In 2005, NFPA made changes to the standard and revised the chapters on Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist to reflect current practice within the field. Because of this emerging standard, the U.S. Fire Administration developed Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist I and II courses. These classes, along with other related topics, are currently being conducted in the communities of fire departments wishing to establish local youth fire prevention and intervention programs.
Assistance is also extended to existing programs by providing information, material and technical support, and by providing a vehicle for networking among the various local programs throughout the state. If your department already has a youth fire prevention and intervention program, please join our statewide network.
Community Outreach and Education Safety Programs
Youth Firesetting Prevention and Intervention (YFPI) Programs
- Texas Fire Departments with Youth Fire Prevention and Intervention Programs
- Youth Fire Prevention and Intervention Database Information