We can help you resolve complaints about property, title, health, and workers' compensation insurance. Learn how to get help with an insurance complaint.
- Insurance complaint datasets – Complaint data compiled by TDI is available on the Texas.gov’s Open Data Portal. The portal allows users to view, sort, filter, create charts and graphs (“visualize”), and export.
- Insurance complaints: All data – Each complaint is assigned a complaint number, and the dataset includes a row for each person and organization named in each complaint. This means some complaint numbers are listed multiple times.
- Insurance complaints: One record / complaint – This dataset does not list the people and organizations named in a complaint. Unlike the “All data” dataset, each complaint number is listed only once.
- Insurance complaint totals (pie chart) – This dataset is based on the “All data” dataset. It shows the total number of complaints closed by TDI.
- NAIC consumer complaint reports– The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) combines complaint data from all states to provide the following reports:
- NAIC Consumer Insurance Search – The NAIC provides a search tool to look up company profiles. The data includes the number of justified complaints filed against the company, financial overview, and licensing report.