Search SERFF
You can view and search company filings received after April 13, 2014, on the National Association of Insurance Commissioner's (NAIC) SERFF Filing Access (SFA) system.
Confidential filings and documents
- Can I see confidential filings and documents?
You can see only the details of a filing if the company or TDI marked it available for public access.Your search results will not show:
- Filings that a company marked confidential.
- Certain documents within a filing marked confidential, even if you can see other parts of the filing. Your search results will list only documents not marked confidential.
- How do I know if a filing includes confidential information?
When you open a filing, look in the Supporting Documentation section for this question, “Does this filing contain confidential information?” The company’s response will let you know whether the filing is marked confidential or has certain documents marked confidential.
Help finding documents or getting copies
If you can’t find a filing or document through the SERFF Filing Access system, or want copies of documents or filings that are marked confidential, you may submit an open records request. You may also contact the filing company, the company contact, or the organization to obtain a copy of the form or document.
Copyright notices
We can’t provide a hardcopy of pages with a copyright notice (©). If you need a hardcopy, you must ask the person or organization that filed the information.
Technical problems with SERFF
If you have technical difficulties with SERFF, please contact the SERFF Help Desk at 816-783-8990 or email
The SERFF Help Desk is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central time. If a customer support analyst is not available, leave a message with the SERFF Help Desk. SERFF staff will return your call or email by the next business day.
SERFF system and filing requirements
To learn about the SERFF system, visit the SERFF login page.
To learn about the requirements for property and casualty insurance filings, see the Filings Made Easy Guide.
For more information, contact us at