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November 2024

Shopping for a health plan? How to avoid problems


With and Medicare open enrollment in full swing, many Texans are shopping for health plans.

Shopping for a plan can be complicated. You don’t want to get scammed or not get the coverage you need.

Shop smart

TDI’s shopping checklist has questions to ask before you buy a plan.

Confirm plan details

Premiums, provider networks, and plan details can change, so it’s a good idea to shop every year. Shopping tools can help you search for plans that cover your preferred doctors and drugs. Consider each plan’s deductible, copay, and coinsurance amounts. These are amounts you pay when you get services. Also look at what is covered before you meet your deductible.

To avoid problems:

  • Shop from trusted websites like and
  • Beware of salespeople who suggest an alternative health plan, instead of an Affordable Care Act (ACA) plan. Alternative plans have more limits and don’t cover existing health care conditions.
  • Some websites or salespeople use terms like gold, silver, or bronze to make plans sound like ACA plans. But a plan might have fewer benefits or not meet ACA coverage expectations.

Be cautious of cold calls and scams

If you didn’t make the phone call about a plan, don’t give away any personal information, including Social Security, Medicare, or banking, credit card or account numbers. If you’re interested in a plan, ask for all information in writing.

Other ways to protect yourself:

  • Remember that scammers can “spoof” a phone number to make it show up as another business on caller ID.
  • Beware of ads on social media or elsewhere online offering you gifts. The personal information you share could be used without your permission.
  • Be suspicious if anyone tries to pressure you to buy quickly. There are no “special deals” on health plans.

Call TDI’s Help Line at 800-252-3439

TDI can help with questions about coverage options, insurance companies, and agents we regulate.