The commissioner of insurance has issued Commissioner's Order No. 12-0876, dated November 6, 2012, adopting amendments to Rule IV A. and Appendix B. of the Texas Basic Manual of Rules, Classifications and Experience Rating Plan for Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Insurance. The amendments eliminate the provisions that require the Texas Department of Insurance to approve changes to workers' compensation classification codes applicable to businesses, and that require TDI to assign classification codes.
The order amends Rule IV A., Appendix B.1., Appendix B.2., and Appendix B.3. to clarify carriers' obligations with regard to using workers' compensation classification codes contained in the manual. The order deletes Appendix B.4.
The manual changes are effective on December 3, 2012.
Historically, TDI has responded to telephone and written inquiries from insurers and agents concerning workers' compensation classifications applicable to businesses. Insurance Code Section 2053.051(a)(1) requires TDI to determine hazards by class, and Section 2053.053 states that insurance companies writing workers' compensation policies may not use hazard classifications other than the classifications established by TDI. However, no statute requires TDI to make classification code assignments.
With the adoption of the changes to the manual, TDI will direct telephone and written inquiries concerning workers' compensation classifications applicable to businesses to the insurance company writing the coverage or providing a quote for the coverage. That company will select the appropriate classification code from the codes contained in the manual. TDI will continue to help resolve disputes about the classifications applicable to a specific business.
You can find the manual on the TDI web page at: For further information concerning this bulletin, please contact the Workers' Compensation Classification and Premium Calculation Office by phone at 512-322-3495 or by email at
Nancy Moore, Director
WC Classification and Premium Calculation Office
Attachment: Commissioner's Order No. 12-0876