This Bulletin supplements Commissioner's Bulletin No. B-0045-06 issued December 15, 2006, regarding the new fingerprint fee and electronic fingerprint procedures that were effective January 1, 2007.
Effective October 1, 2007, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reduced its fingerprint processing fee from $24.00 to $19.25. Thus, anyone who must provide fingerprints to the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) must, as required by 28 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §1.503(a)(2), pay a $34.25 fingerprint processing fee, in lieu of the prior fee of $39.00, which was effective from January 1, 2007 through September 30, 2007. The fingerprint processing fee is in addition to all other licensing fees.
Candidates who paid $39.00 for fingerprints on or after October 1, 2007 may request a refund of the $4.75 difference by sending a written request by e-mail to or by mail to Texas Department of Insurance, Licensing Division, Mail Code 107-1A, P. O. Box 149104, Austin, Texas 78714-9104. TDI will forward the refund request to the Texas Department of Public Safety for processing.
Additional information may be obtained from Matt Ray, Deputy Commissioner, Licensing Division, 512-463-8917.
For convenience, TDI has updated and restates the following information contained in Bulletin 0045-06.
The fee is required under Commissioner's Order number 06-1077 that adopts amended 28 TAC §1.501 and new §§1.503 - 1.509. The Order was published in the October 20, 2006 issue of the Texas Register (31 TexReg 8676). The $34.25 processing fee will pay for criminal history background checks by both the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The $34.25 is in addition to the $9.95 fingerprint collection fee charged by the companies that take electronic fingerprints for TDI and any other license or application fees.
The new fee primarily affects only new applicants. Individuals who have previously submitted fingerprints to TDI are not required to submit new ones. This information is detailed in new §§1.503 and 1.504 of the rule. The complete text of the rule may be accessed at:
Electronic Fingerprinting
In addition to the new fee, the process of having fingerprints taken and attaching them to the application has changed. The general process, effective January 1, 2007 is:
1. Print and complete the FAST Pass form from TDI's web site. You will need information from the FAST Pass when you make your fingerprint appointment.
2. Schedule an appointment to be fingerprinted. You will be photographed as part of the fingerprint process. You will pay the $34.25 fee plus a $9.95 fingerprint collection fee ($44.20 total) when you schedule your appointment. You have two electronic fingerprint vendor choices:
- Integrated Biometric Technology (IBT) has 60+ Texas fingerprint locations. Schedule at or call toll-free 888-467-2080 (8am-5pm CST), or
- Prometric, TDI's insurance agent/adjuster examinations vendor, has 20 Texas fingerprint locations. Schedule at or call toll-free 866-267-0455 (8am-5pm CST).
3. Arrive at your scheduled appointment with your FAST Pass. After your fingerprints and photograph are taken, the technician will give you a receipt stating that you were fingerprinted. Do not throw away the receipt. You will not get a printed fingerprint card. Your fingerprints will be sent electronically to DPS and the FBI.
4. Attach your fingerprint receipt to your application. You will be sending the receipt instead of sending a paper fingerprint card.
Exception to Electronic Fingerprinting
Non-resident insurance company officers and directors may continue to submit paper fingerprint cards even after January 1, 2007, because electronic fingerprinting for TDI will be available only at sites located in Texas. Mail the application to the address given on the application along with the paper fingerprint card and a $34.25 check or money order payable to DPS. The $34.25 fee applies to all applications submitted to TDI after October 1, 2007. TDI will forward the $34.25 check and the fingerprint card to DPS.
Additional Information
If you have questions about whether you need to be fingerprinted, please review all instructions for the specific license, authority, etc. application you are using. Please contact the TDI division listed below if you have additional questions about the following licenses and authorities.
Insurance Agents, Adjusters and Agency Officers and Directors:
Licensing Division, 512-322-3503
Insurance Company Officers and Directors:
Company Licensing and Registration Division, 512-322-3507
Title and Escrow Agents:
Title Division, 512-322-3482
Viatical and Life Settlements:
Life and Health Division, 512-322-3401
Workers' Compensation Network Officers and Directors:
Health and Workers' Compensation Network Certification and QA, 512-322-4266
Matt Ray
Deputy Commissioner
Licensing Division