This bulletin provides information and a brief summary of selected bills enacted during the 80th Regular Legislative Session. The summary highlights portions of the bills pertinent to the business of life and health coverage and insurance agents, including the effective and implementation dates, as well as some of the responsibilities and/or actions the bills require of regulated entities and individuals.
This bulletin includes four attachments. The first two attachments, A and B, include staff's summaries of the major bills that may affect you and the coverages that you issue, renew, sell, or service in Texas. The summaries also identify key compliance actions and responsibilities for regulated entities and individuals implementing the new provisions. Along with the bill summaries, we have provided a "key" to abbreviations appearing in them.
The Department has limited the summaries to information only with regard to the provisions of a bill that apply to life, accident, and health coverage or licensing issues. Refer to the actual bills for the complete content of the legislation. You may access an electronic copy of the bills in two ways. You may be able to access the bills directly from the attachments if you are viewing them through a web enabled computer, as each bill number will link you directly to the enrolled bill text. Alternatively, you may access the bills, as well as other legislative information, at the Texas Legislature Online website at You may obtain paper copies of the bills for a charge by contacting, respectively, House Bill Distribution at 512-463-1144 and Senate Bill Distribution at 512-463-0252.
Staff has not summarized the bills contained in Attachment C, as the bills have less impact on life, accident, or health coverage or insurance agents. You may also access these bills at the Texas Legislature Online website cited above.
While the Department has attempted to include all recently enacted relevant legislation, the attachments may not list all legislation that may affect you. Moreover, it may not list every action you need to take to maintain compliance and implement new legislation. While we encourage you to use the bulletin to aid your compliance efforts, you are responsible for ensuring compliance with all enacted legislation affecting the business you conduct.
To complement your review of this listing of the major bills, we have posted our legislative implementation plans on our website at
We request that you share this information with your staff, agents, and other affected parties so that you may completely and timely implement any changes necessary to comply with new and amended statutes.
If you have questions concerning the attachments please contact the following divisions as applicable:
Life/Health Division at 512-322-3409 or e-mail:;
Health & Workers' Compensation Network Certification and Quality Assurance Division at 512-322-4266 or e-mail:; or
Licensing Division at 512-322-3503 or e-mail:
Jennifer Ahrens
Senior Associate Commissioner
Life, Health & Licensing Program