The attached mandatory calls are being issued pursuant to Article 38.001 of the Texas Insurance Code. This information is the basis for a report required under Article 5.13-2, Section 5(e) of the Texas Insurance Code, for submission to the Governor and certain members of the Texas Legislature. These calls are designed to provide the Texas Department of Insurance with immediate access to market condition information.
These calls must be completed and returned in accordance with the instructions by not later than May 15, 2006. Underlying data, individual source documents and other information utilized in the development of your call response must be maintained in your records for a minimum of three years after May 15, 2006.
Failure to comply with the requirements of this call within the time limits specified may constitute a violation or violations of the Texas Insurance Code and may subject the insurer to the penalties provided by law.
The forms, instructions, transmittal form, and affidavit should now be downloaded from the Department's website located at
If you do not have internet access or are unable to download the forms, please contact Julie Jones at 512-475-3030 and the forms may be mailed, faxed, or e-mailed.
Please make copies of this package and submit separate forms for each company in your group that is licensed for one or more lines of business covered in these data calls. The forms for the Quarterly Call for Experience also can be accessed and downloaded via the Internet at the web address above.
Questions concerning this call should be directed to Julie Jones at the Texas Department of Insurance at 512-475-3030.
Clare Pramuk
Director, Data Services/Property & Casualty Program