Notice is hereby given that the Commissioner of Insurance entered Commissioner's Order No. 04-0043, dated January 15, 2004 adopting amendments to Rule XVIII-Group Purchase of Workers' Compensation contained in the Texas Basic Manual of Rules, Classifications and Experience Rating Plan for Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Insurance(the Manual). These amendments are effective February 14, 2004,which is 15 days after notice of the adoption of the amended rule is published in the Texas Register. Contact me at 512-322-3486 if you have any questions about these changes.
Copies of the revised pages to the Manual have been sent to those who have purchased a copy of the Manual from the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) and requested to receive the updated pages. Copies of the Manual may be obtained from TDI at a cost of $30 per manual in accordance with the order information sheet attached to this circular or can be downloaded from the TDI Web Page at
Yours very truly,
Nancy Moore
Deputy Commissioner
Workers' Compensation