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Texas Department of Insurance
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Commissioner’s Bulletin # B-0009-98

February 23, 1998


Re:   Appendix For Current Title Bulletins, Basic Manual of Title Insurance

The 75th Legislature passed HB3197 relating to regulation of utilization for health care treatments and services provided under workers' compensation insurance. HB3197 amends the Insurance Code to provide for regulation by the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) of utilization review agents who conduct utilization reviews under the workers' compensation statute.

Attached is a copy of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between TDI and TWCC that was published in the November 14,1997 Texas Register. In addition, TDI has adopted rule amendments that generally apply to all utilization review agents, except in workers' compensation cases.

HB 3197 has an effective date of September 1, 1997. Any utilization review conducted on or after January 1, 1998 is subject to this new law.

If you do not already have a copy of this legislation, you are strongly encouraged to obtain it as soon as possible to ensure that your company is in compliance. It is also important for you to review SB384 as passed by the 75th legislature. You may obtain copies of these pieces of legislation via the Internet. The address is Once at the homepage, you will need to "click" on "View Individual Bill Information" and select the appropriate bill.

If you have any questions regarding this bulletin, please contact either of the following:

Deputy Commissioner, HMO/URA Group
Texas Department of Insurance
333 Guadalupe (Mail Code 108-6A)
Austin, Texas 78714-9104

Medical Benefit Services
Medical Review Division, MS-40
Texas Workers' Compensation Commission
Austin, Texas 78704-7491

Leah Rummel, Deputy Commissioner
HMO/URA Division